Tuesday 21 June 2011


Deivis Slavinskas's Solo Show - Textures of the Collective Unconscious
21 June - 15 July 2011 

The Gallery at Willesden Green, 95 High Road, London NW10 2SF

Maria Robertson reviews Deivis Slavinskas's solo exhibition:

The solo exhibition 'Textures of the Collective Unconscious' by Deivis Slavinskas is not a passive experience. It is a call to explore, to revel and respond with dreams and imaginings. Each painting has a unique quality and message; together these paintings are a series of dreams set out on canvas. Physical layers of paint, correspond with psychological and metaphysical layers of meaning, to engage the viewer in a visceral and thought provoking interaction.

On one level, you can enjoy these paintings as a pure visual feast, in the here and now, an exciting cascade of colour and form. The use of sculptural techniques, heavy textures and layering create an impressive sense of vitality and energy, giving the paintings a real and active presence. In some paintings the subject material enthusiastically spills over from the canvas onto the surrounding frame. Each painting is a raft of colour, contrasts and textures, scores and scrapes, sweeps and curves in carefully crafted composition. Deivis's assiduous attention to detail draws the viewer further in to the experience, underscoring the passion and intent behind the art.

A further layer reveals a spiritual realm to Deivis's art, something mystical and arcane, glimpses of a deeper universal theme. Totems and glyphs are woven into the fabric of the art. An animal, words, the flow of water, an overseeing eye, the monster, the river, the depth, the crown. These reassuringly primal images provoke feelings of innate recognition, motifs of a shared understanding and belief system, a 'collective knowing'.

These paintings communicate both the personal and the profound, inviting the viewer to explore relatedness to the 'self' and in a broader sense 'connection to others'. A remarkable, creative achievement, provoking a uniquely human response and taking the viewer on a compelling visual, psychological and spiritual journey.

Deivis Slavinskas was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1973. In 2006 he moved to UK to continue his career as a fine artist and a visual designer. Now he works as a Head of Digital Creative at PJ Media , “Dragon” Peter Jones' multimedia company. www.Slavinskas.com

Maria Robertson (MCSD) works as a Design Manager at an established digital media company in Oxford. In 2008 she became a Member of the Chartered Society of Designers, and continues to develop as both a design professional and a creative individual. www.definemedia.co.uk

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